Trade Mark Services & Trade Mark Lawyers

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Angola is a party to the Paris Convention for Protection of Industrial Property. It is possible to claim priority under the Paris Convention.

Angola is a party to the Paris Convention for Protection of Industrial Property. It is possible to claim priority under the Paris Convention.

Angola follows a single class filing system and recognises both goods and services classes in terms of the 11th edition of the Nice Classification.

The total time from filing to registration is approximately 36 months. Trade mark applications are examined for compliance with formal requirements only and are published in the official bulletin after registration. Trade marks may be opposed within 60 days of the date of publication in the bulletin.

Angola is a first to file jurisdiction and there is no statutory provision for the protection of common law trade mark rights. Well-known trade marks in terms of the Paris Convention are not recognised.

Trade mark registrations are valid for 10 years from the date of filing and may be renewed indefinitely for 10-year periods thereafter.

A registered trade mark may be cancelled on action by an interested party if it has not been used for a continuous period of 2 years after the date of registration.

Customs recordals are not possible.